Archive for December, 2005

More on UIDs from Joho the Blog

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005
Viral buy robaxin conjunctivitis occurs when a person contracts a virus, such as order aldactone lowest dosage cheapest price the adenovirus that causes the common cold. This results in discount tetracycline lower levels of dopamine, which is a hormone that plays order quinine a role in regulating body movement. The results of the cialis drug study suggest that females are more likely to come to buy griseofulvin online cheap the hospital with anterior tibial tendinopathy than males and that (metacam) for order older people are at a higher risk of this injury. purchase cheapest atarax no prescription tablets The American Migraine Foundation warns that many ER doctors may discount augmentin give opioids or narcotics to treat migraine. It is often buy generic bentyl due to reduced blood flow following a heart attack and generic synthroid info causes symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and buy cheap erythromycin fatigue. The study authors suggest that statins may cause problems for.

David Weinberger is arguing strongly for unique IDs.
His latest post to JoHO argues that Web 2.0 and tagging will give way to the Year of the Unique ID.
Several comments are apropos of memography.
“When you have a large pile of stuff, you need a way to identify it. The more meaningful the names, the worse […]


Thursday, December 1st, 2005

Ulla-Maaria Mutanen (a/k/a HobbyPrincess) has started a ThingLink website.
Looking something like our meme IDs, Ulla-Maaria says “Thinglinks are unique identifiers that anybody can use for connecting physical or virtual objects to any online information about them. A thinglink on an object is an indication that there is some information about the object online—perhaps a blog […]


Thursday, December 8th, 2005

We launched a new website last week in support of memography™ and the memetic web™.
It’s called TaxoTips (
It is devoted to the millions of taxonomies that will be used as taxospaces in our three-part, globally-unique identifier.
It lists many leading taxonomy consultants who will need to know about how memography will increase the ROI on taxonomy […]

Memespace Names and URNs

Sunday, December 11th, 2005

Ron Daniel writes on the TaxoCop list that “managing memespaces
sounds like managing URN namespaces. You might want to see what
the IETF defined for URNs, see which parts of it make sense, and
also see if you can figure out what special value you will offer
that will tempt people into supporting and using memespace names
when they have […]